Events — Charlotte Everest

to Apr 4

'That Was All' by Francis Grin

Everyone’s got their own beliefs. Especially dad, who worshipped ‘good times.’ Years later, you’re searching for meaning, clinging on to new age jargon and a memory of that final pub crawl.

You might explore a selection of belief systems, dip your toes in some new age sciences. You might take up yoga, meditation and a plant based diet. You might even spend a day with a world renowned Mexican healer wondering why you keep walking around with the strangest feeling, and a distant memory of a pub-crawl with your dad. The endless pints, the samba dancing, the drunken philosophy and the look in dad’s eye when he got a free round on the house. “Jesus Christ” dad said, “Finally get a free pint now that I’m - ”.

That Was All is a one woman show about families, memory and how to make sense out of the unspoken. It was championed and published by Stagescripts as part of their 10th anniversary in 2019.

Company Bio

Our goal is to nurture all voices within theatre with no expectations or limitations, only honestly imaginative expeditions.

Introducing Mrs C’s Collective; four theatre artists who voyage amongst all things honest, dark, weird and theatrical. Bringing you raw work back from those depths. A theatre company focusing on nurturing, growing and commissioning new work of the darker and more mysterious side of the imagination. All stories welcome, no word limit or minimum. Founded by Charlotte Everest (Theatre Director), Francis Grin (Writer and Dramaturg), Jennie Eggleton (Actress) and Ella Marke (Graphic Artist) - “Finally, there is no normal”

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to Jan 26

NUNS by Robert Luxford

  • Tristan Bates Theatre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sisters with bad habits

Bongs, chain smoking, liquor, sex tapes, blackmail and a desire to change the the system. No, it's not a college, it's a convent! 

Nuns is a satirical comedy about three rebellious Nuns and how they plot to overthrow the mother superior in order to establish smoking rights for themselves. The youngest, Sister Bernadette is being seduced into the cause by Sister Catherine and Sister Rozza during one of their secret smoking sessions. They have a secret that they believe will bring the Mother Superior to her knees.

Dutch Dame’s gritty and witty take on Luxford’s Nuns draws you into a world of questioning patriarchal traditions and whether there is room for change in a systematically oppressive world. How far is too far? These sisters are willing to find out.

Tickets available here.


Sister Catherine Natalya Wolter-Ferguson

Sister Bernadette Cecile Sinclair

Sister Rozza Rebecca Wilson

Mother Superior Gillian Broderick



Director Charlotte Everest

Executive Producers Cecile Sinclair & Natalya Wolter-Ferguson

Producer Valerie Isaiah Sadoh

Set Designer Tara Usher

Graphic Designer Ella Marke

NUNS Poster_2.jpeg
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to Nov 15

Blackout by Davey Anderson (In Collaboration with Lego Man - The Book Thieves)


By Davey Anderson (In Collaboration with Legoman - The Book Thieves)

A unique collaboration with rapper and hip hop artist Huw Bradbury (aka Legoman/ The Book Thieves).

Anderson’s gripping script is interpreted through Bradbury’s own music as Legoman and The Book Thieves, orchestrated into a visceral performance by director Charlotte Everest as she completes her residency in Nairobi, Kenya.

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